Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The weather on Cinco de Mayo was amazing! Ah, the anticipation of summer.

Summer weather. Summer food. Summer fun.

I celebrated the Mexican holiday at Market St, with Coronas and cheesy cheeseburgers. Needless to say, the Coronas were thirst-quenching and cheeseburgers delicious -- especially with a sharp cheddar, and sautéed mushrooms and onions. Mmmmmm.

For a good five to ten minutes last night I was thinking about how words, spoken and written, can mean everything and absolutely nothing at the same time (or alternate between stages and increments of everything-ness and nothing-ness). It's a dichotomy! Much like me. And something I've been tussling with, along with my love-hate relationship with The Hills, and more recently, The Paper.

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