Sunday, May 11, 2008

cherry coke spurs nocturnal tendencies

2 am and distracted by GoldenEye on the Man Channel, otherwise known as Spike TV. While Pierce Brosnan does an adequate job as our shaken-not-stirred hero, I enjoy Sean Connery and Daniel Craig best.

I've also been enjoying the tune-age of Chuck Prophet. I particularly like this one; it makes me happy.

Spent time earlier this evening playing a full 16-rounds of Scattergories with the neighbors and tussling with their new puppy Cooper (The Pooper). While there's a serial artist in feline form at Ten14, it's canine counterpart is living next door. The first time I met Cooper, he peed on me. I wouldn't consider this an appropriate greeting, but I've let it slide -- he does have cute little puppy eyes.

Currently, uploading a slideshow season recap for the Messiah girls. Hoping that I'll crash sometime soon. Cherry Coke has done me in! (But I still *heart* it.)

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