Thursday, May 29, 2008

it's been a while

I apologize for not posting.
I've been having too much fun with the mafia.

Monday, May 19, 2008

fried, delicious, and saucy

Every now and again, I think about eating wings.

Fried ones.
Delicious ones.
Saucy ones.

Tomorrow, I think I might just have some.

If I were to categorize my thoughts in percentages, wing-eating would take up roughly 4.5%. Here's what I like about them:

1) Wing-eating is generally a social event. If you're at home, eating wings alone, then you're far more addicted to them than I.

2) Wing-eating pairs well with one beverage: beer.

3) Wing-eating often takes place while watching sporting events. Sporting events are fun.

4) There are soooo many delicious flavors!

Hungry yet?

I am.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

boogie board and bag-o

There are commercials for wine in a box now.

And they make it sound so classy!
Only on Bravo.

My memories of boxed wine are not so classy.

I think it might have something to do with the fact that the wine never actually stays in the box. There's really nothing like a good game of bag-o with friends...and maybe a boogie board (ask Katie or Crider).

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

doctor, doctor

Prognosis: No surgery. 4-6 weeks off. Fractured scapula, where the humerus connects to the shoulder and lots of muscles.

Oh well.

Just lights a fire in the belly to play well this season. I'm itchin' to

I leave you with pirate talk: Arrrrrgh!

Monday, May 12, 2008

*hearts* for Twinkie-dom

Points for yellow:
1. I *heart* handwashing the dishes.
2. I *heart* Asian food and beverages.
3. I *heart* taking more pictures than is absolutely necessary.
4. I *heart* trying to be squirrelly.
5. I *heart* sappy music videos. Not gonna lie.

Points for white:
1. I *heart* indie music. If I could, I'd marry it.
2. I *heart* Arrested Development, Jason Bateman, and Michael Cera.
3. I *heart* coffee.
4. I *heart* scarves. Especially homemade ones Mamma Su makes me.
5. I *heart* tshirts. Graphic ones and the ones I wore in high school.

Combined, they still don't outdo my MF points! Go figure.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

coaching is fun!

cherry coke spurs nocturnal tendencies

2 am and distracted by GoldenEye on the Man Channel, otherwise known as Spike TV. While Pierce Brosnan does an adequate job as our shaken-not-stirred hero, I enjoy Sean Connery and Daniel Craig best.

I've also been enjoying the tune-age of Chuck Prophet. I particularly like this one; it makes me happy.

Spent time earlier this evening playing a full 16-rounds of Scattergories with the neighbors and tussling with their new puppy Cooper (The Pooper). While there's a serial artist in feline form at Ten14, it's canine counterpart is living next door. The first time I met Cooper, he peed on me. I wouldn't consider this an appropriate greeting, but I've let it slide -- he does have cute little puppy eyes.

Currently, uploading a slideshow season recap for the Messiah girls. Hoping that I'll crash sometime soon. Cherry Coke has done me in! (But I still *heart* it.)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

ridiculous. awesome. ridiculously awesome.

These few ridiculous inclusions can make or save a song:

1) A choir.
2) Moderate to egregious use of cowbell.
3) Hand claps (syncopation optional).
4) Interludes / intros / outros involving elaborate whistling.
5) Gold hot pants.

And any combination of the above could lead to sheer madness. Or complete genius. Sometimes it's hard to tell between the two.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


The weather on Cinco de Mayo was amazing! Ah, the anticipation of summer.

Summer weather. Summer food. Summer fun.

I celebrated the Mexican holiday at Market St, with Coronas and cheesy cheeseburgers. Needless to say, the Coronas were thirst-quenching and cheeseburgers delicious -- especially with a sharp cheddar, and sautéed mushrooms and onions. Mmmmmm.

For a good five to ten minutes last night I was thinking about how words, spoken and written, can mean everything and absolutely nothing at the same time (or alternate between stages and increments of everything-ness and nothing-ness). It's a dichotomy! Much like me. And something I've been tussling with, along with my love-hate relationship with The Hills, and more recently, The Paper.