Monday, March 10, 2008

chock-full of questions

Questions I often ask myself or the person across from / closest to me:

1) Where are my keys?
2) What do you have on draft (or on special)?
3) Why must Fergie insist on spelling all of these words?
4) When's dinner club?
5) Does my milkshake bring all the boys to the yard? Part 2: What would I have to charge?!
6) If I watch Tyra for the anticipation of a train wreck, does that make me a bad person? I'm only certain that it does NOT make me fierce.
7) When did K-fed become the responsible one?
8) Rhetorical: Have I ever met a cheese I didn't like? Cheese is interchangeable with cut of steak, olive, coffee, noodle soup, and London twin*.
9) Why do I have a huge love-crush on Michael Cera; can he really do no wrong?
10) Why do I listen to excellent tracks on repeat, often to it's regretful demise?

*Jeremy / Jason = cuteness galore!


Anonymous said...

Michael Cera tries really hard, actually.

Overheard in the 14-person van on the way to Terminus:

"Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese for the rest of your life?"
"The thing is... I really like mozzarella."

Anonymous said...

oh, and... a few more questions.