Sunday, February 24, 2008

oh, the people we meet

The past few weeks and weekends have been pret-ty darn craaaaazy. And I've met quite the array of interesting people:

1) Miss Rhoda (Trip to Midtown Tavern, not to be confused with the Cinema): You don't have to be Encyclopedia Brown in the schoolyard, or Detective Poirot on the Orient Express, to figure out that a pint-size glass of Alabama Slamma looks nothing like a pint-size glass of White Russian. And so, we find Miss Rhoda, on a snowy weeknight, having one too many. On most occasions, even while inebriated, I'd hope that I could tell the difference between the likes of Koolade and a tall glass of cream. But, alas, this distinction was not in Miss Rhoda's situational skill set.

(Pay attention now!)
A chance encounter with Miss Rhoda.
OMGY? Or OMGN? Jury's still out.

2) The J-man (From Colorado with love, via the United States Postal Service): My one and only Valentine's Day card this year said something like this -- 'Jesus loves you. Jesus loves us all.' Thanks for relaying the message, Val and Crider.

3) Lady at Walgreens (Trip to my birthplace, Morgantown, WV): Every once in a while, if you have one dimple and a stellar personality, people will tell you all about their near-life altering or ending experience at the Mon General Hospital across the street -- without you even asking. And this could all happen whilst eating Circus Peanuts (still grrrrooooosssss!, btw).

4) Mr. Circus Peanut, revisited (Trip to Walgreens): If I wanted to eat pure sugar and have it be a pleasing experience, I simply would eat Sugar In The Raw. If I wanted to eat pure sugar and have it be an unpleasant experience, it would be orange, and peanut shaped. I'll always remember, Mr. Circus Peanut -- how I gave you a chance, and all you gave me in return was the taste of rotten banana.

5) Mr. Feta Turkey Burger from Wegmans (Trip to Market St): Circus peanuts, turkey burgers. Not people, I know, but you react to them like you react to people. Like it / don't like it. Etc, etc.

So recently, my taste buds gave turkey burgers a try. Let me just say, there's nothing quite like the marriage of meats and cheeses on a George Foreman grill. And meeting this couple for the very 1st time? Mmm-licious! Nom nom nom...

What was it that I placed on top of my turkey burger? Why, more cheese of course! Two thumbs up for grilled cheesy-laden turkey patties, topped with cheesiness, in a garlic-butter toasted bun.

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